Jitsi: Softphone Set Up

Jitsi: Softphone Set Up

·       You will go to file add new account. Then select network and choose SIP.

·       The SIP ID will be based on your HCC and password will be specific to each user’s password.

This is an example from our test HCC.

·       You then put in a display name I normally just put in the extension as display name.

·       The only other thing to check would be connection.  Under registrar will be your hcc.intelligentcontacts.net and port will be 5060.  Then you click on next and sign in.

·       Next step is to go to tools and options.  Then go to the advanced tab.  The only thing that needs to be configured is the sip info. SIP client port is 5060 and Sip client secure port is 5061.  You will then make sure TLSv1, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 are all checked.  

·      The audio setting will also need to be checked. Want to make sure under audio system you have port audio selected.  This setting will optimize the call quality.

The last thing to check is your connection.  You will go to tools, connection info and verify that protocol is SIP and signalling call transport is TLS.

Need more help? Use the Add Ticket function or send an email to support@intelligentcontacts.com

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