Intelligent Portal Wallet User Guide

Intelligent Portal Wallet User Guide


- Consumers will have the ability to manage their payment methods at any time they want: add new payment methods and save those for the future, mark a payment method as a Preferred one, and, of course, remove payment methods when they are not needed anymore. The Wallet is available in two languages and is adopted for mobile versions at the convenience of your consumers.

- The Wallet saved payment methods will be available for the Agents as well, in the Admin portal > Virtual Terminal.
Agents will be able to view and use the consumer's saved payment methods to easily operate the payments.
Agents will be able to see if the payment method is marked as "Preferred" which makes it very convenient to know ahead of time if there is a payment method a consumer prefers the most.

- Admins will be able to choose if they allow all the consumers to save their payment methods OR just those who have set up the login credentials. It can be done with the use of the following settings (Admin portal > Settings):

> "Allow email and password sign in"
This setting must be turned ON if you are going to allow saving payment methods only to those consumers, who set up their login credentials.
> "Payment method saving"
This setting is to switch ON the Wallet and the ability to save the payment methods.
> "Who can save payment methods" drop-down with two options: "All consumers" or "Consumers with login credential only"
This setting is for indicating who can save the payment,ent methods: "All consumers" or "Consumers with login credentials only".

Note: You will be able to find the Wallet page in the Consumer's right menu below the "Account Home".

How to set up Wallet in the Admin area

  1. Go to Admin portal → Settings → General Settings.

  2. Find [X][Payment method saving] setting and check it to allow saving the new Payment Methods in the Wallet.

  3. Next, you will see an additional setting [Who can save payment methods].
    - If you choose [All consumers] → it means all consumers can save the payment methods in Wallet
    - If you choose [Consumers with login credentials only] → it means that you are willing to give the possibility to save payment methods in it only to those consumers who have set up the login credentials.

  4. Important!

    • If the setting [Allow email and password sign in] is not checked then you will be not able to see and use the second option [Consumers with login credentials only] of course.

    • If admin will uncheck the [Allow email and password sign in] the [Who can save payment methods] will be automatically changed to the [All consumers] option. 

Once you set all the setting up, consumers will be able to use Wallet in its full ability, and agents will be able to see the saved payment methods in the Virtual Terminal.

5. There are additional settings for the Wallet.
If administrator decides he needs an additional checkbox with the “consent“ text for consumers he can add this checkbox and edit text for it in the admin portal.

Here is how to do it:

5.1. Admins can decide if they are willing to use the

  • Required checkbox for the Credit Card form and/or

  • Required checkbox for the eCheck (ACH) form

The texts for the [required checkboxes] are mentioned in the hint ([here] link),
The texts are placed in the Admin portal > Settings > Site text:

  • Wallet / Credit Card form / Consumer consent text

  • Wallet / ACH(Check) form / Consumer consent text

Once these checkboxes are checked and the texts are set up, this is where consumers will see those checkboxes and texts and they will be required to check those consent checkboxes.

Value for the client?: sometimes clients have their own consent rules and this feature will give them the ability to write the text they need to display to their consumers and consumers will be required to check and agree.

Consumer Portal / Overview

  1. When the [X][Payment method saving] setting is NOT checked:

    1.1. If Consumer has NO saved payment methods → then the consumer will not see the Wallet page at all. There is no need to show it: no payment methods and no ability to save the methods.

    1.2. If Consumer has at least one saved payment method and more → then the consumer will see the Wallet page and his/her payment methods.

    • Consumer also will be able to manage their payment methods, but no ability to add new ones.

  2. When the [X][Payment method saving] setting is checked:
    1.1. And [Who can save payment methods] = [All consumers] → then all the consumers will be able to view the Wallet page, to add a new payment method and manage them as well.

    2.2. And [Who can save payment methods] = [Consumers with login credentials only] → then only those consumers will be able to add a new payment method who has set up their Login credentials.

Consumer Portal / Wallet functionality



  • Once the first payment method is added - it is automatically added as a Preferred method by default.


  • To add a new payment method, click on the link [ + Link a new credit card or bank account ]

  • Adding a payment method is basically almost the same as in all our Payment forms, but we have added a new functionality for admins → Look in [ How to set up Wallet in the Admin area ] → [ 5.1. ]


  • You can “Set as preferred” any payment methods.

  • You cannot delete a “Preferred“ method. First, set up another Preferred method.

  • The preferred method will be displayed in all Payment forms


  • You can remove the payment methods if those are not Preferred or not assigned to any of the active payment plans.

  • You cannot remove the Payment method if:
    1. It is a preferred one (you need to choose first another preferred method)
    2. if the method is linked to an active payment plan.
    In both cases, the system will show you the warning messages with an explanation.


  • Consumer cannot edit a payment method under no circumstances.

  • If consumer needs to edit a payment method, he needs to add a new one and remove the old undesirable method

Virtual Terminal → Wallet payment methods for Agents

  • Agents have the ability to view and use the saved payment methods in the Wallet.

  • Agents will see what payment method is a Preferred one.

  • Agents will be able to set up payments or payment plans with the saved payment methods.

  • Agents will still be able to add a new payment method or use Swiper.

  1. Consumers can not add any credit card that is expired already or currently, is going to be expired in the "IN Consumer area" -> "Wallet". So, every Credit card which expiration date (MM/YY) is greater then the actual date (MM/YY) will be defined as a valid one and could be saved as a "payment method". If the card expiration date (MM/YY) will be earlier or equal to the actual date (MM/YY) then it will be declared as a non-valid and the payment method could not be saved. In this case, the System will provide a warning message to the Consumer, saying the following -> "Please, enter a valid expiration date" in English and Spanish.

  2. As far as new functionality - the "Wallet" allows our Consumers to add and save any valid payment method, a consent from the Consumer needs to be received. For this purpose a required and checked by default option is added in English and Spanish versions at the "IN Consumer area" -> "Wallet" page -> "Link a new credit card or bank account" form. This option is presented in the form of checkbox control with the following text -> "I agree to save this payment method for future transactions". In the case when the checkbox is not checked and Consumer clicked on the "SAVE" button the error message will be shown to him -> "Please, confirm that You agree to save this payment method for future transactions by checking the checkbox". The System will log the checkbox click event, timestamp of the action done, and IP address of the Consumer.

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